Karchin Lab Alumni Updates

Clockwise from Upper Left: Dr. Hannah Carter (Class of 2012) Promoted to Full Professor at University of California, San Diego. Dr. Chris Douville (Class of 2017) Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins receives Johns Hopkins President’s Innovation Award. Dr. Josue Samoya (Postdoc 2009-2011) is Director of Computational Oncology at AbbVie. Dr. David Masica (Research Faculty 2013-2018 …

July 22, 2024
Dr. Karchin presents at SITC-NCI Comp IO Webinar

AI in Personalized Immunotherapies: AI in Immuno-oncology The vision of personalized medicine based on tumor-specific biomarkers comes closer to reality with each new scientific discovery. With the advent of AI, researchers now have a novel and expansive tool that can better analyze large-scale data sets for actionable markers that can fuel immunotherapy development and discovery. …

May 14, 2024
Dr. Jiaying Lai presents poster at NCI Spring School on Algorithmic Cancer Biology

Jiaying in front of her poster “Evaluation of Simulation Methods for Tumor Subclonal Reconstruction” at the NCI’s SSACB 2024 meeting in Bethesda, Maryland.

April 8, 2024
Dr. Yun Liu visit to lab

Wed. April 10, 2024 Karchin Lab alumnus Dr. Yun Liu will give a presentation at lab meeting on his research at Google Health!

April 8, 2024
Kathryn at Montgomery Science Fair

UPDATE: Kathryn wins second place in Computer Science category!! Kathryn Jung presented her project on multiple instance learning for BigMHC neoantigen prediction at the Montgomery County Science Fair, FDA White Oak campus, April 5-7, 2024.

March 28, 2024
National Aquarium lab trip

Exciting lab activity at National Aquarium member night. We watched a 4D movie, saw some beautiful jellyfish, and said hi to some awesome dolphins!

March 20, 2024