Category: General

Karchin Lab Alumni Updates

Clockwise from Upper Left: Dr. Hannah Carter (Class of 2012) Promoted to Full Professor at University of California, San Diego. Dr. Chris Douville (Class of 2017) Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins receives Johns Hopkins President’s Innovation Award. Dr. Josue Samoya (Postdoc 2009-2011) is Director of Computational Oncology at AbbVie. Dr. David Masica (Research Faculty 2013-2018 …

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arXiv announcement

What are the best methods to reconstruct tumor evolution from patient data? A community gold standard is needed! Check out our preprint evaluating in silico simulations that provide ground truth for benchmarking.

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Welcome new members!

      We are thrilled to welcome Yi Yang and Yunzhou Liu as PhD student to join our lab for Fall 2024.

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Cute Baby!
Congratulations, Domenick and his wife, on your new arrival! Wishing you all endless joy and love as you embrace parenthood together.
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