Category: Group Members

Yi Yang

Hi, I’m a first-year PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. Cancer evolution is a dynamic process; I’m interested in exploring and modeling the mechanisms and pathways involved.  Aside from academics life, I love hiking, camping, playing mobile games, and trying delicious food.

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Kita Yang

Hi, I’m an honorary PhD student at Karchin’s Lab. I am interested in the importance of happiness in daily life, and I’m a professional therapist who helps people happy 🙂 So feel free to say hi and pet me if you encounter me on campus. In my personal life, I’m also a gold medal athlete …

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Sameer Gabbita
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Adele Valeria
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Kathleen Jung
Kathryn Jung

Montgomery Blair High School Student

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Domenick Braccia
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Kiki Zhang
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Archana Balan
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Lester Liu

Hi, I am a first-year PhD student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Johns Hopkins University. Cancer is interesting in many aspects, but I am specifically intrigued by cancer progression and the mechanism behind it. I joined Karchin’s Lab during the first semester of my Master degree and am excited to continue my research in …

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Jiaying Lai

Jiaying (Jillian) Lai is a postdoctoral fellow at the Karchin Lab, specializing in computational biology. She holds a Ph.D. from Brown University and a B.S. from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her research focuses on developing computational methods and bioinformatics pipelines using machine learning and Bayesian statistics. Currently, she’s working on reconstructing the evolutionary …

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